Aug 8, 2008

first figs

vegan fig + plum cake, originally uploaded by flint knits.

For breakfast today I had my first three homegrown figs of the season. There is nothing more beautiful and more tasty than a fresh fig.

Mine are brown turkey figs, since they're the only kind that can stand winter this far north. Some determined souls dig the roots on one side, tip the tree over, and bury it every fall. Apparently this method doesn't disturb the tree, and it prospers every summer. I see other fig trees lovingly wrapped in loads of burlap and tied with string. I've taken the lazy route, dragging the poor thing inside at the first deep freeze, then back out in spring. It is now overgrowing its enormous pot, and I'm worried about what to do next. I may be forced to take the un-lazy approach of my old Italian neighbors.

My figs were naked and perfect on their own, but this vegan fig and plum cake doesn't sound so bad either.

1 comment:

abovegroundpool said...

now first apples!

yes, they were a bit tart, but that's why i made a TART with them, apple and peach to be exact. the apples were from our tree, the peaches from our csa (huguenot street farm), the vegan crust from key food (yep, frozen all the way, babeee), and the blackstrap molasses from the health food store. next, tapping my sugar maple!!